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Top 5 Most Dynamic Phygital Marketing Entrepreneurs

Top 5 Most Dynamic Phygital Marketing Entrepreneurs

Nov 10, 2021 Ayushi Tiwari

The year 2021 is sure to go down in history as a year of an ‘economic renaissance’. Many dynamic and hardworking entrepreneurs have led the way towards revival. Large and small companies, mom and pop stores, and independent businesses have all been working to produce changes for the better. During COVID, nearly 30 million medium-to-small businesses across the U.S suffered a setback; however, the passion and spirit of business owners is driving a change, slowly but surely.   

At Eventcombo we have been extremely fortunate to have been a part of the business journey with many small and large businesses in their efforts to connect with external and internal stakeholders. We are extremely glad to celebrate the success of five of the most dynamic phygital marketing entrepreneurs in the US.

1. Christine Marcus founder, CEO of Alchamista 

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christine-marcus-3962bb30/  

Twitter https://twitter.com/christinephood1?lang=en  

Alchamista is an on-demand marketplace, that offers temperature-controlled food lockers. Their aim is to provide delicious food to enrich workplace culture. Their speciality lies in corporate catering, and they create custom food and beverages according to an individual’s need. They serve everything from cuisines by the most talented chefs, to local food by upcoming brands. Their wholesome food is designed to boost the wellbeing of the consumer.  

 2. Dennis Cail, owner Zirtue

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6859551856163643392/  

Twitter https://twitter.com/zirtueme?lang=en  

Dennis Cail founded Zirtue in 2018. Zirtue  lets people borrow cash from their personal network. In a digitally inclusive world, Zirtue aims to create financial inclusiveness by mobilizing loans among family, friends or personal networks. This exciting approach to credit lending has improved the lives of millions of consumers. Not just that, it has also increased the revenues of many businesses. 


 3. Nathalie Walton CEO, Co-Founder at Expectful

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathaliewalton/  

Twitter https://twitter.com/nathaliegwalton?lang=en  

Expectful is a dedicated meditation and sleep platform for expecting and new mothers. During the pandemic pregnancy rates and stress on young mothers increased manifold. Nathalie’s aim was to create a tool that solves the issues like, stress, restlessness, and lack of sleep that is faced by about 21 million women in the USA. Expectful offers wellness tools on meditation, nutrition, and yoga. It is a wholesome guide for new parents or parents to be. They also offer virtual services such as women’s support groups,  remote meditation, and yoga classes.  

4. Jason D. Rose, Cofounder, Skyler

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-d-rose-35065112/  

Rose founded Skyler back in 2017, to sell a bed-in-a-box customized mattress for the Hong Kkong market. The speciality of the mattress was that, it was filled with a cooling gel to beat the summer’s heat. In 2019, due to pandemic and anti-government protests, his business couldn’t take off as he expected. Now in 2021, his business is back on track. Rose is finally opening a physical Skyler shop and staffing it with unemployed salespeople.  

5. Damon Gochneaur founder, Aspiro Agency

Twitter https://twitter.com/damongochneaur?lang=en  

Damon Gochneaur discovered the importance of Facebook ads in 2007. Since then, his agency has been helping businesses to implement digital marketing with everything from SEO, to content marketing to  PPC. Aspiro Agency of Texas has helped brands to leverage digital platforms to drive business, and generate revenue. Initially Aspiro was a small-scale service business that gradually expanded to an International SaaS platform.  

One common link between these entrepreneurs has been their amazing ability to create value by taking a social and people first approach in the solutions they provide. In our book, that’s pretty great!  

We did the same eight years ago when we wanted to create an event platform offering unsurpassed value! Great business minds think alike. 😊  

Now why don’t you check out our @Eventcombo on Twitter and let us know which business person is your favorite?  

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